Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Beginning of the Beginning!

Natural shots!

Through my daily ventures I love to shoot what I see. I just hope others find what I see as interesting as I do! Take a pictorial stroll through my mind and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Turbulence Any1?

My Brother and I had a great trip to Jamaica with a lot of memorable memories! It started with us getting there and soon as we stepped off the plane we remembered what jamaica was well known for which was its heat....and when i say it was memorable this was my pillow when i woke up the next morning:
Then we got to see my Grandfather alive God Rest his Soul who lived a great life:
Then ofcourse the views from the hills at my Uncles House... Beautiful view from even his bathroom:
And with the return you can expect nothing but the most eye opening views from the air:
Now the only complaint was the amount of turbulence on the trip back....look at this and tell me how much fun we had....lol:

So, I hope u guys can understand why we had such an unforgettable trip back to Jamaica!
Thank you for traveling with me!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

University of Miami's B.A.M. Fashion Show 2008

This project taken on for The University of Miami's Black Awareness Month was a leisure project but obviously as you will soon see why still one of my favorites. As I love getting paid for jobs I also just love to film and edit any opportunity I get! So I thank people such as Tia Hendricks for allowing me to film and my lovely co-host for the night Jasmine Brooks. Thank you and this is for the U!

Big Up's to all the Models!!!!
I see you my dude....Keep Hustling Jeff Star!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Men of A.D.I.M.U. INTRO

Shout Outs to ADIMU & The Official Mr. Broward (A.K.A. Lil Bitt).... This one here is a couple years old but was still a piece of work! We had fun and my Dudes Adimu went to Tampa and did that damn thing!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Fabulous Life of Jessica McCrary Premiere Recap!!!!

The Fabulous Day had Finally arrived and everyone came out in their finest to celebrate! This video is a Recap of the Season Premiere for those of you that missed it! It was truly a pleasure to be able to work with Jessica McCrary and I thank you and would work with you at any time again!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Fabulous Life of Jessica McCrary Series....

This next Video Series has to be honestly one of my most enjoyable projects thus far! I worked along side of a young lady nothing less than Fabulous named Jessica McCrary. We worked closely on the production from beginning to end! We took an idea and made it a reality.....

......Stay Tuned!!!!